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Saturday, May 1, 2010

That's Right, I'm A Dork.

Obviously, but yes, I am a dork. I watch anime. Not religiously and I don't watch everything I can possibly find, but I'll admit, I used to. Back then I was depressed, bored, and desperate for something different. Little cartoon Japanese people seemed different enough, so it worked for a while-until I got bored.
While I say I watch anime, I really should say I watch one anime. Naruto. Yeah, yeah, all the weird little poser kids watch it, but I can't blame them. I'm not sure what it is about that show, but I swear, there's something freaking addicting about it. I just have to know what happens, you know? That anime, Bleach, too, but it's just so boring anymore I can't make myself sit there and watch it. I'll just wait until it's over to read about how it ends.
Anyway, Naruto is on my mind right now, so that's what I want to talk about. I didn't watch it for a long time-I'd lost my interest in it and basically everything for a while-but I recently caught up. And boy, it has gotten good! Finally we're finishing up the bad guys, even as the good guys-like Sasuke-are becoming the new bad guys.
I know all the little fangirls love Sasuke, and although I hate them for it, I love him, too. Don't get me wrong, he is a little whiny, emo-boy brat who just needs to grow up and get over it, but there is just that something about him that makes you want him to succeed no matter what, be friends with Naruto again, and end up with Sakura. I loved Itachi always, too. I knew he was a good guy at heart-I just couldn't accept him as anything but. However, maybe he wasn't all that smart, cause really, who gets their high-potential little brother to grow-up getting crazy powerful on a lifetime of hate, hoping it'll just magically go away when he kills you? Man, do I want Madara dead. I mean, sure, the series would've died with boring if Sasuke would've just packed it up and went home after killing his brother, but it seriously pisses me off for some geezer to manipulate him into becoming the new bad-ass bad guy.
With Sasuke and Naruto and everyone in that show, I just have to know what happens to them. And what they do next! Uh, well, that's all for now. This blog is my whim, so... Voila, I'm done for now.

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